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Chhath Puja 2023: Rituals, History and its significance

Chhath Puja is a expression of gratitude to the Sun God, observed in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, and Jharkhand.

Chhath Puja is a expression of gratitude to the Sun God, observed in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, and Jharkhand.

Chhath Puja 2023 is a expres­sion of grat­i­tude to the Sun God, observed in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Ben­gal, and Jhark­hand. Cel­e­brat­ed twice a year, in Chaitra and Kar­ti­ka, with the lat­ter con­sid­ered the more sig­nif­i­cant occa­sion.

Chhath Puja: An Ancient Tale of Devotion Unveiled

Embark­ing on Exile: Drau­padi’s Despair in the Wilder­ness

In the epic of Mahab­hara­ta, the Pan­davas’ exile unfolds as a tale of loss and adver­si­ty, prompt­ing Drau­pa­di to seek solace and guid­ance from the revered sage Dhaumya.

Sage’s Coun­sel: The Gen­e­sis of Chhath Vrat

Sage Dhaumya’s coun­sel leads Drau­pa­di to embrace the Chhath Vrat, a sacred fast and wor­ship ded­i­cat­ed to the Sun God, as a means to invoke bless­ings and alle­vi­ate the tri­als faced by the Pan­davas.

Chhath Puja’s Four-Day Rituals

Nahay Khay (Day 1): Purifi­ca­tion and Thekua Prepa­ra­tion

Drau­pa­di and devo­tees embark on the first day, Nahay Khay, cleans­ing them­selves in sacred waters and prepar­ing the spe­cial meal, “Thekua,” as an inte­gral part of the Chhath Puja obser­vance.

Lohan­da and Khar­na (Day 2): A Day-Long Fast and Arghya at Sun­set

The sec­ond day involves a strin­gent fast with­out water, con­clud­ing with devo­tees break­ing their fast after offer­ing arghya to the set­ting sun, accom­pa­nied by the prepa­ra­tion of a divine meal.

Sand­hya Arghya (Day 3): River­bank Rev­er­ence at Sun­set

On the third day, Sand­hya Arghya unfolds as devo­tees, pre­dom­i­nant­ly women, gath­er at river­banks, offer­ing arghya to the set­ting sun, accom­pa­nied by hymns and prayers express­ing grat­i­tude.

Usha Arghya (Day 4): Antic­i­pat­ing Sun­rise and Renew­al

The final day, Usha Arghya, marks the zenith of cel­e­bra­tions as devo­tees con­verge at river­banks before sun­rise, offer­ing arghya to the ris­ing sun, sym­bol­iz­ing tri­umph over dark­ness and the renew­al of hope.

Chhath Puja’s Essence: Draupadi’s Faith and Universal Reverence

Trans­for­ma­tive Pow­er of Devo­tion: Drau­padi’s Lega­cy

The nar­ra­tive of Chhath Puja under­scores the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of Drau­padi’s unwa­ver­ing faith, show­cas­ing the endur­ing spir­it of devo­tion and its impact on the lives of the Pan­davas.

Uni­ty Beyond Bound­aries: Chhath Puja’s Cul­tur­al Per­me­ation

Chhath Puja, char­ac­ter­ized by sim­plic­i­ty and dis­ci­pline, tran­scends region­al bound­aries, fos­ter­ing a sense of uni­ty and rev­er­ence for the nat­ur­al ele­ments that sus­tain life across diverse com­mu­ni­ties.

Eter­nal Con­nec­tion: Mor­tal and Divine in Sun­rise and Sun­set

As the sun ris­es and sets, Chhath Puja stands as a time­less tes­ta­ment to the endur­ing con­nec­tion between the mor­tal and the divine, encap­su­lat­ing the fes­ti­val’s essence in the cycli­cal rhythms of nature.

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