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Stock Market Today: Top 10 things to know before the market opens

Stock Market Today, Nifty50, Sensex

Top 10 Insights for the Day Ahead in Stock Market

Stock Market Today: Top 10 Insights for the Day Ahead

Quarterly Earnings:

Sev­er­al com­pa­nies, includ­ing Adani Enter­pris­es, Tata Motors, Adani Pow­er, Dabur, and oth­ers, are set to announce their sec­ond-quar­ter results on Novem­ber 2.

Commodity Prices:

Oil Prices: Oil prices inched high­er due to con­cerns about sup­ply dis­rup­tions in the Mid­dle East. Brent crude futures rose to $85.01 a bar­rel, and U.S. West Texas Inter­me­di­ate crude futures gained to $80.90 a bar­rel.

Cur­ren­cy and Gold Prices: The Dol­lar index trad­ed 0.30 per­cent high­er in futures at 106.96, and gold prices remained rel­a­tive­ly sta­ble.

Rupee Exchange Rate: The Indi­an rupee depre­ci­at­ed against the U.S. dol­lar, clos­ing at an all-time low of 83.33, low­er by 9 paise against its pre­vi­ous close.

Global Markets:

U.S. Mar­kets:

S&P 500 futures and Nas­daq 100 futures both rose around 0.2 per­cent, while Dow Jones Indus­tri­al Aver­age futures added 30 points. These changes fol­lowed a pos­i­tive ses­sion on Wall Street.

Euro­pean Mar­kets:

Euro­pean mar­kets showed pos­i­tive momen­tum despite con­cerns, with the Stoxx 600 index end­ing 0.7 per­cent high­er. Retail stocks climbed, but Aston Mar­tin faced a decline in its shares.

Asian Mar­kets:

S&P 500 futures rose in Asian mar­kets. SolarEdge expe­ri­enced a sig­nif­i­cant drop, while Door­Dash and Etsy had mixed earn­ings reports. Japan­ese and South Kore­an mar­kets showed gains.

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