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HomeSportsFootballAFC Champions League: Cristiano Ronaldo's Spectacular Goal for Al Nassr Leaves Fans...

AFC Champions League: Cristiano Ronaldo’s Spectacular Goal for Al Nassr Leaves Fans in Awe

Cris­tiano Ronal­do put in a bril­liant per­for­mance, scor­ing two excep­tion­al goals that led his Al Nassr team to a thrilling 4–3 vic­to­ry over Qatar’s Al Duhail in the AFC Cham­pi­ons League. In this major Asian club com­pe­ti­tion, Al Nassr achieved their third con­sec­u­tive group stage vic­to­ry with for­mer Liv­er­pool strik­ers Sadio Mane and Ander­son Tal­is­ca. The scor­ing in Riyadh opened when Tal­is­ca scored from the edge of the penal­ty area in the 25th minute.

Watch: Cristiano Ronaldo scores 2 exceptional goals


Even at the age of 38, Ronal­do showed off all his tricks with a clever back-heel strike to set up the goal. How­ev­er, it was his sec­ond goal that caused a stir on social media as Ronal­do used his weak­er foot to score a crazy curler that gave Al Nassr their fourth goal against Al Duhail. With just nine min­utes left, it seemed as if Ronal­do would have the final say.

He ran towards a long ball from Sul­tan Al Ghanem and bril­liant­ly shot it in at full speed with his left foot. The goal was rem­i­nis­cent of Cris­tiano Ronal­do’s goal against Ever­ton when he hit a sim­i­lar curler with his left foot to score his 15th goal for Man­ches­ter Unit­ed in the 2007/08 sea­son. Ronal­do was due to return to Unit­ed for a sec­ond stint in 2021 but left the club last year after dif­fer­ences with coach Eric ten Hag.

In the East Zone, defend­ing cham­pi­ons Urawa Red Dia­monds of Japan were beat­en 2–0 by South Kore­a’s Pohang Steel­ers, who scored on either side of half­time through Jeong Jae-hee and Goh Young-jun in Saita­ma. Urawa now face a bat­tle to qual­i­fy for the knock­out stages after pick­ing up just four points from their three Group J games so far, just like Chi­na’s Wuhan Three Towns, who beat Hanoi for the first time. They beat FC 2–1.

Interesting facts about Cristiano Ronaldo

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Cristiano Ronaldo
  1. Record Goal Scor­er: Cris­tiano Ronal­do is one of the all-time lead­ing goal-scor­ers in the his­to­ry of foot­ball. He has con­sis­tent­ly been among the top goal-scor­ers in the world through­out his career.
  2. Ver­sa­tile Play­er: He is known for his incred­i­ble ver­sa­til­i­ty on the field. Ronal­do has played in var­i­ous posi­tions dur­ing his career, includ­ing winger, for­ward, and even as a cen­tral strik­er.
  3. Hat-Trick Spe­cial­ist: Ronal­do is well-known for his abil­i­ty to score hat-tricks (three goals in a sin­gle game). He has scored numer­ous hat-tricks through­out his career, set­ting sev­er­al records in the process.
  4. Mul­ti­ple Bal­lon d’Or Win­ner: Ronal­do has won the Bal­lon d’Or award mul­ti­ple times, which is giv­en to the best play­er in the world. His rival­ry with Lionel Mes­si has been a cen­tral theme in the foot­ball world for many years.
  5. Suc­cess­ful Club Career: He has had suc­cess­ful stints at top clubs, includ­ing Man­ches­ter Unit­ed, Real Madrid, Juven­tus, and a return to Man­ches­ter Unit­ed, where he’s made sig­nif­i­cant impacts and won numer­ous titles.
  6. Inter­na­tion­al Suc­cess: Ronal­do is also a key fig­ure for the Por­tuguese nation­al team. He has led Por­tu­gal to vic­to­ry in the UEFA Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship (Euro 2016) and the UEFA Nations League (2019).




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