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HomeIndiaछठ पूजा की तैयारी: भारतीय रेलवे ने 283 विशेष ट्रेनों की शुरुआत:...

छठ पूजा की तैयारी: भारतीय रेलवे ने 283 विशेष ट्रेनों की शुरुआत: Chhath Puja Preparations: Indian Railways Unveils 283 Special Trains

Chhath Puja Spe­cial: In prepa­ra­tion for the eager­ly antic­i­pat­ed Chhath Puja, the Indi­an Rail­ways has unveiled a plan to intro­duce 283 spe­cial train ser­vices to ensure seam­less trav­el for pas­sen­gers and accom­mo­date the addi­tion­al demand. The fes­ti­val will be cel­e­brat­ed on 19th Novem­ber 2023.

Chhath Puja Special Train List

These spe­cial trains are strate­gi­cal­ly designed to con­nect key des­ti­na­tions across the nation, cov­er­ing pop­u­lar rail­way routes such as Del­hi-Pat­na, Del­hi-Shri Mata Vaish­no Devi Katra, Dana­pur-Saharsa, Dana­pur-Ben­galu­ru, Ambala-Saharsa, Muzaf­farpur-Yesvant­pur, Puri-Pat­na, Okha-Nahar­la­gun, Seal­dah-New Jal­paig­uri, Kochu­veli-Ben­galu­ru, Benaras-Mum­bai, Howrah-Rax­aul, among oth­ers.

Notably, last year, the Min­istry of Rail­ways dis­closed that they had arranged 216 Puja Spe­cial trains, total­ing 2,614 trips.

To ensure crowd con­trol and a smooth expe­ri­ence for trav­el­ers, orga­nized queues are estab­lished at ter­mi­nal sta­tions under the vig­i­lant over­sight of Rail­way Pro­tec­tion Force (RPF) per­son­nel. Addi­tion­al RPF staff is sta­tioned at major ter­mi­nals to enhance pas­sen­ger secu­ri­ty. Emer­gency duty offi­cers are sta­tioned at sig­nif­i­cant sta­tions to guar­an­tee the unhin­dered oper­a­tion of train ser­vices. Staff mem­bers are deployed in var­i­ous sec­tions to prompt­ly address any dis­rup­tions in train ser­vices.

Efforts have been made to pro­vide reg­u­lar and time­ly announce­ments regard­ing train arrivals and depar­tures, along with plat­form details. “May I Help You” kiosks are in oper­a­tion at vital sta­tions, where RPF per­son­nel and Trav­el­ing Tick­et Exam­in­ers (TTEs) are assigned to offer pas­sen­gers assis­tance and guid­ance. Med­ical teams are on stand­by at major sta­tions, and ambu­lances with para­med­ical teams are read­i­ly avail­able.

Chhath Puja Indian Railways Special Trains

Strict mon­i­tor­ing of any mis­con­duct or irreg­u­lar­i­ties is over­seen by the Secu­ri­ty and Vig­i­lance Depart­ment staff. Zon­al Head­quar­ters have issued guide­lines for main­tain­ing clean­li­ness, par­tic­u­lar­ly in wait­ing halls, retir­ing rooms, plat­forms, and sta­tions in gen­er­al.

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