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HomeEntertainment12th Fail : Vikrant Massey : Box Office Collection Day 2 :...

12th Fail : Vikrant Massey : Box Office Collection Day 2 : Jump 100% in collection

12th Fail: The com­pelling dra­ma “12th Fail,” fea­tur­ing Vikrant Massey in the role of an IPS aspi­rant, made its the­atri­cal debut on Fri­day, along­side Kan­gana Ranaut’s high-fly­ing action film, “Tejas.” While it was expect­ed that the more high-pro­file “Tejas” would sig­nif­i­cant­ly out­per­form “12th Fail,” the dif­fer­ence between the two films is slight.

12th Fail Big Jump in Day 2 collection

The movie col­lect­ed 2.20 crore on Day2 and almost reg­is­tered a 100% jump in col­lec­tion against 1st Day col­lec­tion.

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Direct­ed by Vid­hu Vin­od Chopra, “12th Fail” has achieved an open­ing day earn­ings of Rs 1.1 crore, accord­ing to indus­try track­er Sac­nilk. “12th Fail” man­aged to secure an over­all occu­pan­cy rate of 9.09% in the Hin­di-speak­ing mar­ket. In com­par­i­son, Kan­gana’s “Tejas” led the way, earn­ing Rs 1.25 crore on Fri­day but reg­is­tered a low­er occu­pan­cy.

Major cin­e­ma chains, PVR and Cinepo­lis, alone amassed col­lec­tions of Rs 75 lakh by 10 pm on Fri­day, as report­ed by Pinkvil­la. In an era when it’s com­mon­ly believed that only grand-scale spec­ta­cles attract audi­ences to the cin­e­mas, “12th Fail” has proven oth­er­wise, even with a lim­it­ed num­ber of show­ings. The film was released in only 600 screens, a small­er scale com­pared to “Tejas.”

The movie is adapt­ed from the best-sell­ing nov­el of the same name by Anurag Pathak, draw­ing from the strug­gles faced by mil­lions of stu­dents attempt­ing the UPSC entrance exam. The film’s cen­tral char­ac­ter, Manoj (Massey), expe­ri­ences aca­d­e­m­ic set­backs after fail­ing his 12th board exams but remains deter­mined as he embarks on the chal­leng­ing jour­ney to pre­pare for the UPSC exam.

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