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HomeIndiaBJP Announces Mohan Yadav as the Next Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh

BJP Announces Mohan Yadav as the Next Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh

In a sur­pris­ing devel­op­ment, the Bharatiya Jana­ta Par­ty (BJP) has declared Mohan Yadav as the upcom­ing Chief Min­is­ter of Mad­hya Pradesh, con­clud­ing days of antic­i­pa­tion. This sig­nif­i­cant deci­sion fol­lows Yadav’s exten­sive polit­i­cal jour­ney and his role as part of the pre­vi­ous Chief Min­is­ter Shiv­raj Singh Chouhan’s cab­i­net.

State par­ty chief VD Shar­ma, along with oth­er lead­ers, extend­ed a wel­come to them at the Bhopal air­port. Sub­se­quent­ly, the three observers pro­ceed­ed to the Chief Min­is­ter’s res­i­dence to hold dis­cus­sions with CM Shiv­raj Singh Chouhan. As per the pro­vid­ed sched­ule for the MLAs, the meet­ing start­ed at 4 pm today.

Out­go­ing CM Shiv­raj Singh Chouhan has sub­mit­ted his res­ig­na­tion to Gov­er­nor of MP and it has been accept­ed.

Deputies Named: Jagdish Devda and Rajendra Shukla; Narendra Singh Tomar as Speaker

As the Chief Min­is­ter-elect, Mohan Yadav will be assist­ed by two deputies, name­ly Jagdish Dev­da and Rajen­dra Shuk­la. For­mer Min­is­ter Naren­dra Singh Tomar, who con­test­ed in the state polls, is slat­ed to take on the role of the Speak­er.

Mohan Yadav: Political Career Overview

Mohan Yadav’s polit­i­cal career com­menced with his elec­tion as a Mem­ber of the Leg­isla­tive Assem­bly (MLA) in 2013, a posi­tion he suc­cess­ful­ly retained in the sub­se­quent 2018 Mad­hya Pradesh Leg­isla­tive Assem­bly elec­tion. Notably, his influ­ence expand­ed when he assumed office as a cab­i­net min­is­ter on July 2, 2020, dur­ing Shiv­raj Singh Chouhan’s gov­er­nance.

Personal Background and BJP Association

Born on March 25, 1965, in Ujjain, Mad­hya Pradesh, Mohan Yadav has been a long­stand­ing mem­ber of the BJP. Beyond his polit­i­cal engage­ments, he is rec­og­nized as a busi­ness­man, adding a mul­ti­fac­eted dimen­sion to his pub­lic per­sona.

Success in 2023 Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election

In the recent 2023 Mad­hya Pradesh Assem­bly elec­tion, Mohan Yadav tri­umphant­ly secured vic­to­ry in the Ujjain South con­stituen­cy. Defeat­ing Con­gress can­di­date Chetan Prem­narayan Yadav by a sub­stan­tial mar­gin of 12,941 votes, Yadav’s win marked his third con­sec­u­tive term as an MLA. The impres­sive out­come reflect­ed his pop­u­lar­i­ty, gar­ner­ing a total of 95,699 votes.

Electoral Stronghold: Ujjain South Constituency

The Ujjain South con­stituen­cy, sit­u­at­ed in the Mal­wa North region and falling under the Ujjain Lok Sab­ha con­stituen­cy, has been a strong­hold for the BJP since 2003. Mohan Yadav’s con­sis­tent suc­cess in this region under­scores his endur­ing influ­ence and sup­port base with­in Mad­hya Pradesh’s polit­i­cal land­scape.

This strate­gic move by the BJP in appoint­ing Mohan Yadav as the Chief Min­is­ter, along with his cho­sen deputies and the Speak­er, sets the stage for a new chap­ter in Mad­hya Pradesh’s polit­i­cal tra­jec­to­ry under their lead­er­ship.

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