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HomeGovernment JobsMastering JEE Main 2024: Advance City Slip Released and Last-Month Preparation Tips

Mastering JEE Main 2024: Advance City Slip Released and Last-Month Preparation Tips

JEE Main 2024: Advance City Slip Unveiled

The antic­i­pa­tion for JEE Main 2024 inten­si­fies as the Nation­al Test­ing Agency (NTA) releas­es the advance city inti­ma­tion slip for Paper I. Prospec­tive can­di­dates can now nav­i­gate to the offi­cial web­site, armed with their appli­ca­tion num­ber and date of birth, to down­load this cru­cial doc­u­ment. The Paper 1 exam­i­na­tion for BE/BTech is sched­uled from Jan­u­ary 27 to Feb­ru­ary 1, and the advance city slip divulges vital infor­ma­tion about the loca­tions of the exam cen­ters. Here’s a step-by-step guide to down­load­ing the advance city slip, ensur­ing a seam­less process:

Steps to Download Advance City Slip:

  1. Nav­i­gate to the offi­cial web­site of NTA JEE at jeemain.nta.ac.in.
  2. On the home page, locate and click on the “JEE Mains Exam 2024 advance city inti­ma­tion slip” link.
  3. Enter the nec­es­sary login details once redi­rect­ed to a new page.
  4. Sub­mit the details, and wit­ness the advance city inti­ma­tion slip mate­ri­al­ize on the screen.
  5. Scru­ti­nize the slip metic­u­lous­ly, and pro­ceed to down­load the page.
  6. Print a hard copy for future ref­er­ence and ease of acces­si­bil­i­ty.

JEE Main 2024: Examination Schedule and Admission Eligibility

Examination Schedule:

Embark­ing on a strate­gic sched­ul­ing ini­tia­tive, JEE (Main) — 2024 Ses­sion 1 for Paper 1 (BE/BTech) is strate­gi­cal­ly set from Jan­u­ary 24 to Feb­ru­ary 1, 2024. Ses­sion 2 fol­lows suit from April 1 to April 15, 2024. This metic­u­lous plan­ning aims to cir­cum­vent poten­tial clash­es with Board exam­i­na­tions tak­ing place at dif­fer­ent times across states and Union Ter­ri­to­ries. Notably, both Paper 2A and Paper 2B (BArch and BPlan­ning) are slat­ed for twice in 2024, encom­pass­ing both Jan­u­ary and April.

Admission Eligibility:

The JEE Main exam­i­na­tion serves as the key to unlock­ing the doors of esteemed insti­tu­tions such as the Nation­al Insti­tutes of Tech­nol­o­gy (NITs), Indi­an Insti­tutes of Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy (IIITs), and oth­er Cen­tral­ly Fund­ed Tech­ni­cal Insti­tutes (CFTIs). Eli­gi­bil­i­ty pre­req­ui­sites include secur­ing a min­i­mum of 75 per­cent marks in the 12th-grade exam­i­na­tion or rank­ing with­in the top 20 per­centile. For can­di­dates hail­ing from Sched­uled Castes (SC) and Sched­uled Tribes (ST), the qual­i­fy­ing marks are adjust­ed to 65 per­cent. Fur­ther­more, spe­cif­ic sub­ject com­bi­na­tions in the qual­i­fy­ing exam­i­na­tion play a piv­otal role in secur­ing admis­sion to BE/BTech and BArch/B Plan­ning cours­es.

JEE Main 2024: Examination Structure, Papers

Examination Papers:

  1. Paper 1: BE/BTech
    • Sub­jects: Math­e­mat­ics, Physics, and Chem­istry
    • Type of Ques­tions: Objec­tive Type — Mul­ti­ple Choice Ques­tions (MCQs) and Ques­tions with numer­i­cal val­ue answers
    • Mode of Exam­i­na­tion: “Com­put­er Based Test (CBT)” mode only
  2. Paper 2A: BArch
    • Part‑I: Math­e­mat­ics
    • Part-II: Apti­tude Test
    • Part-III: Draw­ing Test
    • Type of Ques­tions: Objec­tive Type — MCQs and Ques­tions with numer­i­cal val­ue answers for Math­e­mat­ics; Apti­tude Test with MCQs; Draw­ing Test for draw­ing apti­tude
    • Mode of Exam­i­na­tion: “Com­put­er Based Test (CBT)” mode for Math­e­mat­ics and Apti­tude Test; “Pen and Paper Based” (offline) mode for Draw­ing Test on an A4 size Draw­ing sheet.
  3. Paper 2B: B Plan­ning
    • Part‑I: Math­e­mat­ics
    • Part-II: Apti­tude Test
    • Part-III: Plan­ning-Based Ques­tions
    • Type of Ques­tions: Objec­tive Type — MCQs and ques­tions with numer­i­cal val­ue answers for Math­e­mat­ics; Apti­tude Test with MCQs; Objec­tive Type — MCQs for plan­ning-based ques­tions

For More News and Update: Click Here

Mastering JEE Main: Last One-Month Preparation Tips

Time Management:

Effi­cient time man­age­ment is piv­otal for crack­ing JEE Main. Plan metic­u­lous­ly to cov­er the entire syl­labus in time. With most of the syl­labus already cov­ered, focus on con­sol­i­dat­ing your prepa­ra­tion in the cru­cial remain­ing weeks. Dis­trib­ute time wise­ly among the three sub­jects.

Revise and Clear Your Doubts:

Cre­ate a chap­ter-wise revi­sion sched­ule and adhere to it strict­ly. Thor­ough­ly revise your own short notes for each chap­ter, empha­siz­ing impor­tant facts and key for­mu­las. Ensure no doubts are left uncleared; approach teach­ers, coach­ing cen­ter men­tors, or peers to clar­i­fy any lin­ger­ing uncer­tain­ties.

Mock Tests:

Boost your con­fi­dence by attempt­ing mock tests, read­i­ly avail­able on the offi­cial exam web­site. Gain insights into the exam pat­tern, mark­ing scheme, and ques­tion types. Ana­lyze your per­for­mance, iden­ti­fy weak­er areas, and allo­cate addi­tion­al focus to enhance your speed and accu­ra­cy.

JEE Previous Year Question Papers:

Solv­ing pre­vi­ous year’s JEE Main ques­tions is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed dur­ing the last month. Max­i­mize your ques­tion-solv­ing endeav­ors to devel­op a robust con­fi­dence lev­el. Empha­size qual­i­ty prob­lems, as pre­vi­ous year ques­tion papers pro­vide a clear under­stand­ing of ques­tion pat­terns and aid in hon­ing prob­lem-solv­ing skills.

Positive Attitude:

Devel­op­ing a pos­i­tive atti­tude is imper­a­tive for con­quer­ing the tough and chal­leng­ing JEE exam. Stay focused on your tar­get, even dur­ing moments of demo­ti­va­tion. Lis­ten to moti­va­tion­al speech­es to cul­ti­vate a pos­i­tive mind­set. Embrace times of despair with­out giv­ing up hope. Believe in your­self and the jour­ney ahead.

Be Relaxed:

Avoid over­work­ing in the days lead­ing up to the exam. Steer clear of burn­ing the mid­night oil, as it may lead to over-stress­ing. Pri­or­i­tize 7–8 hours of sleep for prop­er men­tal health. Main­tain a healthy diet, ensur­ing your body is in opti­mal con­di­tion to keep your mind strong and clear. Prac­tice med­i­ta­tion or breath­ing exer­cis­es to stay relaxed. Min­i­mize unnec­es­sary ten­sions, remain­ing calm through­out the exam prepa­ra­tion. Infuse fun activ­i­ties into your study rou­tine to break the monot­o­ny.

Key Takeaways:

Adher­ing to these tips dur­ing your JEE Main prepa­ra­tion will for­ti­fy your posi­tion in the com­pet­i­tive land­scape. Cul­ti­vate the right atti­tude, as it can pro­pel even an aver­age stu­dent towards suc­cess. Remem­ber, in the face of the exam­’s per­ceived tough­ness, rel­a­tive per­for­mance holds sig­nif­i­cance. Approach ques­tions strate­gi­cal­ly, start­ing with the easy ones before tack­ling the more chal­leng­ing ones. Work dili­gent­ly, give your best, and instill unwa­ver­ing belief in your prepa­ra­tion – suc­cess in JEE is with­in reach.



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