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Market Closing Bell: Nifty Slips Below 19,000, Sensex Declines 284 Points; Pharma and Realty Sectors Show Gains

Market Closing Bell : Indices Close Lower on Nov 1

Indi­an bench­mark indices, the Sen­sex and Nifty, expe­ri­enced their sec­ond con­sec­u­tive decline on Novem­ber 1. The Sen­sex closed 0.44% low­er, down by 283.60 points at 63,591.33, while the Nifty end­ed 0.47% low­er, shed­ding 90.40 points to close at 18,989.20.

Nifty Top Losers

The day’s top Nifty losers includ­ed Adani Enter­pris­es, Coal India, Adani Ports, SBI Life Insur­ance, and Asian Paints, while gain­ers includ­ed Sun Phar­ma, BPCL, Hin­dal­co Indus­tries, Bajaj Auto, and Reliance Indus­tries. Most sec­toral indices closed in the red, except for health­care, oil & gas, and real­ty. Auto, cap­i­tal goods, met­al, infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy, and pow­er sec­tors saw declines of 0.5–1.5% each. The BSE mid­cap index dropped by 0.4%, while the small­cap index end­ed flat.

The Nifty50 index expe­ri­enced a cor­rec­tion of 90.45 points or 0.47%, set­tling at 18,989.15. Met­al and IT sec­tors under­per­formed, while the Real­ty seg­ment con­tin­ued to rise. There was selec­tive buy­ing in Phar­ma and Media sec­tors. Although mid and small-cap stocks cor­rect­ed, they out­per­formed larg­er stocks. The dai­ly chart shows con­sec­u­tive bear­ish can­dles, sig­nal­ing the end of the relief ral­ly and indi­cat­ing a poten­tial move towards fill­ing the bull­ish gap zone between 18,865 and 18,925.

Mamaearth IPO subscribed 62%

Honasa Con­sumer, the par­ent com­pa­ny of Mamaearth, has seen its IPO sub­scribed 62% as of Novem­ber 1. Retail investors secured 54% of the shares, high net worth indi­vid­u­als (HNI) acquired 6%, and qual­i­fied insti­tu­tion­al buy­ers (QIB) picked up 91% of the allot­ted quo­ta. The IPO has a price band of Rs 308–324 per share and will close on Novem­ber 2. Honasa Con­sumer aims to raise Rs 1,701 crore through this IPO, with funds allo­cat­ed for var­i­ous pur­pos­es includ­ing adver­tis­ing, set­ting up brand out­lets, and sub­sidiary invest­ments. Employ­ees, who have a reserved share allo­ca­tion, have sub­scribed at 2.73 times the allot­ted quo­ta.

Nilka­mal Ltd: Net prof­it up 4.6% at Rs 25 crore against Rs 24 crore and rev­enue down 4% at Rs 776 crore ver­sus Rs 808 crore, YoY.

Maha­rash­tra Seam­less Ltd: Net prof­it rose 55.4% at Rs 250.4 crore against Rs 161 crore and rev­enue up 8.5% at Rs 1,535 crore ver­sus Rs 1,414 crore, YoY.

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