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HomeMarketsStock Market: Buzzing Stocks: Key Earnings and Market Moves

Stock Market: Buzzing Stocks: Key Earnings and Market Moves

Stock Market Today

The bench­mark Sen­sex and Nifty indices are poised for a mar­gin­al­ly high­er open­ing on Jan­u­ary 15, as indi­cat­ed by trends in the GIFT Nifty, sug­gest­ing a pos­i­tive start with a gain of 69 points for the broad­er index.

On Jan­u­ary 12, both bench­mark indices achieved a new record clos­ing high. The BSE Sen­sex record­ed an impres­sive rise of 847 points, reach­ing 72,568, while the Nifty 50 expe­ri­enced a surge of 247 points or 1.14 per­cent, clos­ing at 21,895. Notably, the dai­ly time­frame shows the for­ma­tion of a bull­ish can­dle­stick pat­tern, reflect­ing pos­i­tive mar­ket sen­ti­ment. Addi­tion­al­ly, the index exhib­it­ed a robust break­out of the down­ward-slop­ing resis­tance trend­line hur­dle, sur­pass­ing the 21,750 mark with a gap-up open­ing on the same day. These indi­ca­tors sug­gest a favor­able momen­tum and poten­tial upward move­ment in the mar­ket.

**1. ** Earnings Focus: Results Today

  • Com­pa­nies in Focus: Jio Finan­cial Ser­vices, Angel One, Fed­bank Finan­cial Ser­vices, Keso­ram Indus­tries, Met­a­lyst Forg­ings, Nel­co, PCBL, Reliance Indus­tri­al Infra­struc­ture, Suraj Estate Devel­op­ers, Bright­com Group, Choice Inter­na­tion­al, Digi­con­tent, Excel Real­ty N Infra, and Jai Bal­a­ji Indus­tries.
  • Date: Jan­u­ary 15, 2024.
Tata Consumer Products
Tata Con­sumer Prod­ucts

**2. ** Tata Consumer Products Strategic Moves

  • Acqui­si­tions: Tata Con­sumer Prod­ucts has signed defin­i­tive agree­ments to acquire a 100 per­cent stake in Cap­i­tal Foods, own­er of Ching’s Secret and Smith & Jones, and up to a 100 per­cent stake in Organ­ic India.
  • Enter­prise Val­ue: Rs 5,100 crore for Cap­i­tal Foods and Rs 1,900 crore for Organ­ic India.
  • Board Meet­ing: Sched­uled for Jan­u­ary 19 to con­sid­er fundrais­ing via debt and equi­ty issues.

**3. ** Adani Enterprises’ Renewable Energy Venture

  • Sub­sidiary’s Achieve­ment: Adani New Indus­tries, a whol­ly-owned sub­sidiary, receives a Let­ter of Award (LoA) from Solar Ener­gy Cor­po­ra­tion of India (SECI) for set­ting up an elec­trol­yser man­u­fac­tur­ing capac­i­ty of 198.5 MW per annum.
  • Scheme: Under the Strate­gic Inter­ven­tions for Green Hydro­gen Tran­si­tion Scheme (Tranche‑I).

**4. ** Wipro’s Q3 FY24 Financial Report

  • Rev­enue: IT ser­vices rev­enue at Rs 22,150.8 crore, a 1.09 per­cent decline QoQ.
  • Dol­lar Rev­enue: $2,656.1 mil­lion, a 2.1 per­cent sequen­tial drop.
  • Net Income: Rs 2,694.2 crore, a 1.8 per­cent QoQ growth.
  • Guid­ance: Expects IT ser­vices rev­enue in the range of $2,615–2,669 mil­lion for the next quar­ter.
LIC - Life Insurance Corporation of India
LIC — Life Insur­ance Cor­po­ra­tion of India

**5. ** LIC’s Tax Demand and Appeal

  • Tax Demand: Income Tax author­i­ties issue a demand worth Rs 1,370.60 crore to LIC.
  • Response: LIC to file an appeal before the Com­mis­sion­er (Appeals), Mum­bai, against the said orders.

**6. ** HCL Technologies’ Impressive Q3 FY24 Results

  • Growth: 13.5 per­cent QoQ prof­it growth at Rs 4,350 crore.
  • Rev­enue: Grows 6.7 per­cent sequen­tial­ly to Rs 28,446 crore.
  • Guid­ance: Full-year rev­enue growth expect­ed in the range of 5 per­cent to 5.5 per­cent.

**7. ** BHEL’s Project Win

  • Award: BHEL receives a Let­ter of Award (LOA) for the EPC pack­age for the 3x800 MW NLC Tal­abi­ra Ther­mal Pow­er Project in Jhar­sug­u­da, Odisha.
  • Project Val­ue: Worth Rs 15,000 crore.

**8. ** Lupin’s US FDA Approval

  • Approval: Unit­ed States FDA approves Lupin’s appli­ca­tion for pro­pra­nolol hydrochlo­ride extend­ed-release cap­sules, a gener­ic equiv­a­lent of Inder­al LA from ANI Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, Inc.

**9. ** Market Transactions: FSN E‑Commerce Ventures and Gillette India

  • Equi­ty Sale: Lex­dale Inter­na­tion­al, an asset man­age­ment firm, sells 2,62,37,880 equi­ty shares in Nykaa’s par­ent FSN E‑Commerce Ven­tures via open mar­ket trans­ac­tions.
  • Share Trans­ac­tions: Nip­pon India Mutu­al Fund buys 3.3 lakh equi­ty shares in Gillette India, while Adventz Finance sells 6 lakh shares in the com­pa­ny.

**10. ** Avenue Supermarts’ Q3 FY24 Performance

  • Prof­it Growth: Records 17 per­cent YoY growth in con­sol­i­dat­ed prof­it at Rs 690 crore.
  • Rev­enue Growth: Rev­enue from oper­a­tions increas­es by 17.3 per­cent to Rs 13,572 crore.
  • EBITDA: Grows by 16 per­cent to Rs 1,120 crore.

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**11. ** Aditya Birla Money’s Strong Q3 FY24 Results

  • Net Prof­it: Rs 15.15 crore, a robust 73.6 per­cent YoY growth.
  • Rev­enue Growth: 51.5 per­cent increase in rev­enue from oper­a­tions to Rs 101.3 crore.

**12. ** Gillette India’s Market Movements

  • Equi­ty Trans­ac­tions: Nip­pon India Mutu­al Fund buys shares in Gillette India, while Adventz Finance sells 6 lakh shares in the com­pa­ny.

Conclusion: Diverse Market Developments

The stock mar­ket wit­nessed a flur­ry of activ­i­ty today, with major com­pa­nies reveal­ing their quar­ter­ly results, strate­gic acqui­si­tions, and sig­nif­i­cant project wins. From Tata Con­sumer Prod­ucts’ bold moves to Wipro’s finan­cial report, each devel­op­ment con­tributes to the dynam­ic land­scape of the stock mar­ket. Investors will keen­ly watch these diverse fac­tors as they nav­i­gate through the ever-chang­ing mar­ket envi­ron­ment.



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