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HomeEntertainmentApurva Movie Review: Tara Sutaria Shines Amidst Cinematic Frustrations in Unsettling Thriller

Apurva Movie Review: Tara Sutaria Shines Amidst Cinematic Frustrations in Unsettling Thriller

  • Apur­va Movie Review — Plot:
    • Tara Sutaria plays the lead, Apur­va, on a bus jour­ney to meet her banker fiancé, unveil­ing snip­pets of her char­ac­ter’s back­sto­ry.
    • Flash­backs reveal Apur­va’s feisty nature from dri­ving lessons and her uncon­ven­tion­al love sto­ry with her boyfriend.
  • Unset­tling Turn of Events:
    • The nar­ra­tive takes a dis­turb­ing turn with misog­y­nis­tic under­tones, reach­ing a crescen­do where Apur­va becomes the sub­ject of the male gaze amidst crim­i­nal activ­i­ties.
    • The crim­i­nals’ focus shifts from rob­bing to vio­lat­ing Apur­va, trig­gered by her fiancé’s con­fronta­tion with the gang’s alpha mem­ber.

  • Sec­ond Half Chal­lenges:
    • The sec­ond half attempts to sal­vage the nar­ra­tive, depict­ing Apur­va’s strug­gles and tac­tics against the crim­i­nals over a night.
    • Despite gra­tu­itous vio­lence and lin­ger­ing scenes, Apur­va fails to evoke fear or emo­tion­al con­nec­tion.
  • Tara Sutari­a’s Per­for­mance:
    • Tara Sutaria, in her first intense role, deliv­ers an ener­getic por­tray­al of a damsel in dis­tress, show­cas­ing agi­ta­tion through sob­bing.
    • The film’s dat­ed approach and dis­joint­ed nar­ra­tive lim­it her abil­i­ty to explore a more lay­ered per­for­mance.
  • Under­uti­liza­tion of Abhishek Baner­jee:
    • Abhishek Baner­jee’s char­ac­ter lacks vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, and the film under­uti­lizes his poten­tial, over­shad­ow­ing his sin­cere sub­mis­sion to the role.
    • Raj­pal Yadav, play­ing the gang’s cer­e­mo­ni­al head, brings an old-world hon­esty to the char­ac­ter, por­tray­ing a com­plex mix of emo­tions.
  • Cin­e­mat­ic Frus­tra­tions:
    • The film frus­trates on mul­ti­ple lev­els, high­light­ing a sim­plis­tic nar­ra­tive despite expec­ta­tions fueled by the trail­er and pro­mo­tion­al mate­ri­als.
    • The sto­ry con­cludes with Apur­va exe­cut­ing a sig­na­ture pow­er move, crush­ing her adver­sary’s head.
  • Over­all Cri­tique:
    • Despite occa­sion­al glimpses of poten­tial, the film fails to deliv­er a com­pelling nar­ra­tive, leav­ing view­ers gri­mac­ing at the gra­tu­itous ele­ments and dis­joint­ed sto­ry­telling.


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