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HomeSportsCricketEngland's Crumbling Cricket World Cup Campaign: चुभने वाली हार की एक श्रृंखला:...

England’s Crumbling Cricket World Cup Campaign: चुभने वाली हार की एक श्रृंखला: Humiliating Defeat

In the ICC ODI Crick­et World Cup match held on Thurs­day, Sri Lan­ka secured an impres­sive eight-wick­et vic­to­ry over Eng­land. Eng­land, bat­ting first, strug­gled and were dis­missed for a mere 156 runs in 33.2 overs. In response, Sri Lan­ka pur­sued their tar­get with deter­mi­na­tion, achiev­ing a total of 160 runs for the loss of only two wick­ets in 25.4 overs. It was a humil­i­at­ing defeat for Eng­land.

Nisan­ka played a cru­cial role in the vic­to­ry, con­tribut­ing an unbeat­en 77 runs from 83 balls, which includ­ed sev­en fours and two six­es. Sama­rawick­ra­ma also made a sig­nif­i­cant impact with an unbeat­en 65 runs off 54 balls, fea­tur­ing sev­en fours and a six. Their part­ner­ship of 137 runs for the third wick­et remained unbro­ken.

Eng­land’s bat­ting per­for­mance was lack­lus­ter, and they strug­gled to cope with the uneven bounce of the pitch. Apart from Ben Stokes, who man­aged 43 runs from 73 balls, none of their oth­er bats­men could make a sub­stan­tial con­tri­bu­tion. As a result, Eng­land was all out in 33.2 overs.

Sri Lanka’s Lahiru Kumara emerged as the most suc­cess­ful bowler, claim­ing three wick­ets for 35 runs. Ange­lo Math­ews and Kasun Rajitha also chipped in with two wick­ets each.

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Express­ing his dis­ap­point­ment, Eng­land’s cap­tain, Jos But­tler, acknowl­edged the team’s ongo­ing strug­gles and his own sub­par per­for­mance in the tour­na­ment. He men­tioned that despite mak­ing thought­ful team selec­tions, things had­n’t gone their way.

The Play­er of the Match award was pre­sent­ed to Lahiru Kumara for his excep­tion­al bowl­ing per­for­mance. Kumara expressed his sat­is­fac­tion with his con­tri­bu­tion against a for­mi­da­ble oppo­nent like Eng­land and cred­it­ed his hard work in improv­ing his bowl­ing skills. He also high­light­ed the valu­able expe­ri­ence gained from hav­ing Ange­lo Math­ews on the team, empha­siz­ing their efforts to bowl aggres­sive­ly and allow their bats­men to dom­i­nate the game.

Cricket World Cup


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