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HomeSportsCricketDhoni's hints at Departure from IPL: The End of an Era in...

Dhoni’s hints at Departure from IPL: The End of an Era in Indian Cricket

Indi­an crick­et leg­end MS Dhoni is unde­ni­ably one of the most adored crick­eters glob­al­ly, and the fer­vor for him knows no bounds. Fans eager­ly await the chance to catch a glimpse of the for­mer Indi­an cap­tain, and even though he’s no longer play­ing inter­na­tion­al crick­et, sta­di­ums still fill to capac­i­ty when he steps onto the field.

Recent­ly, Dhoni dropped a sig­nif­i­cant hint about his future in the Indi­an Pre­mier League (IPL) and pro­vid­ed an update on his knee injury dur­ing an event in Ben­galu­ru. Dur­ing an inter­view, the host addressed Dhoni with the phrase “As you have retired,” to which a per­son sit­ting beside Dhoni inter­ject­ed, clar­i­fy­ing that he had retired from inter­na­tion­al crick­et but not the IPL. Dhoni, with a smile, con­curred, and the cheer­ing fans showed their sup­port. He also play­ful­ly acknowl­edged the audi­ence, refer­ring to them as CSK (Chen­nai Super Kings) fans.

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Dhoni went on to dis­cuss his knee con­di­tion after surgery, men­tion­ing that he was in the process of reha­bil­i­ta­tion and that the doc­tor had informed him that he should feel much bet­ter by Novem­ber. He assured that his day-to-day rou­tine was unaf­fect­ed.


In addi­tion to his crick­et­ing career, Dhoni expressed his desire to be remem­bered not just as a good crick­eter but as a good human being. He empha­sized that this aspi­ra­tion was a life­long jour­ney and a con­tin­u­ous process.

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Dhoni recent­ly led CSK to their record-tying fifth IPL title, tri­umph­ing over the 2022 cham­pi­ons, Gujarat Titans, in a thrilling con­test. Despite expec­ta­tions that IPL 2023 might mark Dhoni’s retire­ment, he indi­cat­ed that he has not ruled out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of play­ing anoth­er sea­son, dri­ven by the love and sup­port he has received from CSK fans. He expressed that announc­ing retire­ment would be the easy option, but play­ing one more sea­son could be a gift to the loy­al fans.

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