Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeMarketsMarkets Plunge: शेयर बाजार में उथल-पुथल के बीच निवेशक रहें उतार-चढ़ाव के...

Markets Plunge: शेयर बाजार में उथल‑पुथल के बीच निवेशक रहें उतार‑चढ़ाव के लिए तैयार

The Indi­an stock mar­kets plunge con­tin­ued its decline for the sixth con­sec­u­tive ses­sion on Thurs­day. The BSE Sen­sex, a bench­mark index, opened the day at 63,774 and quick­ly reached an intra­day low of 63,119 short­ly after the open­ing bell. Over the past six days, this 30-stock index has seen a drop from 66,428 to 63,119, result­ing in a loss of more than 3,300 points.

Israel Hamas War and Continuous FII Selling

Sev­er­al fac­tors have con­tributed to the recent stock mar­ket decline. The ongo­ing Israel-Hamas con­flict has cre­at­ed uncer­tain­ty in the glob­al mar­kets, caus­ing pan­ic sell­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, the stub­born­ly high US bond yields, with the 10-year bond yield near 5%, have led for­eign port­fo­lio investors (FPIs) to sell, par­tic­u­lar­ly impact­ing sec­tors like bank­ing and IT, which make up a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of FPI invest­ments. Despite these chal­lenges, long-term investors may find oppor­tu­ni­ties to pur­chase qual­i­ty stocks, espe­cial­ly in the bank­ing sec­tor, at attrac­tive rates.

Markets Plunge: Rising Inflation

Markets Plunge

The esca­lat­ing crude oil costs pose an addi­tion­al wor­ry for the Indi­an stock mar­ket because a sus­tained uptrend in crude oil prices due to Mid­dle East ten­sions could lead to high­er infla­tion in India. He men­tioned that India heav­i­ly relies on import­ing approx­i­mate­ly 85% of its crude oil demand, mak­ing the increas­ing crude oil prices a poten­tial threat to Indi­an infla­tion and the econ­o­my.

With­in the Sen­sex com­pa­nies, JSW Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Con­sul­tan­cy Ser­vices, NTPC, Wipro, HCL Tech­nolo­gies, State Bank of India, Larsen & Toubro, Ultra­T­e­ch Cement, IndusInd Bank, Kotak Mahin­dra Bank, Pow­er Grid, and Reliance Indus­tries Lim­it­ed expe­ri­enced sig­nif­i­cant declines. On the pos­i­tive side, Mahin­dra & Mahin­dra and Bajaj Finance were the notable gain­ers.

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